Staying sane and productive. That’s all we want right now, right? Especially the “sane” part. It’s strange how something microscopic like the coronavirus can change millions of lives around the world. I’m scared. I guess you are too. My government has asked people to stay in their homes and only leave to purchase essentials (i.e.: food, medicines). It’s been like this for a little over a week now. When I go out, it feels surreal. Everything is closed, hardly anybody in the street. We’re all wearing masks and we all keep our distance. It feels like these weird dystopias we find in books and films. This is not supposed to happen in real life.
Unfortunately, it is. I’m lucky: I get to work from home. So I get to keep my day job. For now, at least. Most importantly, I’m in good health and so are my family and loved ones. I try to not lose perspective. After all, that is what’s most important. Yet sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me and I start to get worried about the future. How long will this pandemic last? How many lives will it take? What are the consequences going to be? Will I still have my job when this is over? I guess this last one is kind of selfish. But hey, I can’t be the only be worrying about this.
I’m sure this all sounds familiar, right? It’s an uncertain time for all of us. So what can we, as creatives, do about it? Well, unfortunately, not much. This is our reality at this time. It’s unsettling for sure. However, we need to try and make the best of it. Easier said than done, I know. This is why I decided to make this post. Because this too shall pass. And when it does, we’ll need to be strong and determined. It might be a new world we find ourselves in. Let’s be open to it. Let’s be ready. Let us know who we are and be confident in what we do. And let us actually have done the work, proudly. I hope these ideas inspire you to work through this. To work on yourself and your goals. If nothing less, I hope this post helps you react to this situation better than “The Office” characters did during their fire drill.


1. Do the thing. Now!

It’s not like you have anything better to do, right? So do it. That thing that you’ve been putting off. Get to it. I include myself in this. There’s this script I wanted to finish in January. It’s still not done. So I’m getting on it. I’m getting this shitty first draft out of me, during this time. I have to. If I don’t do it now, when? I don’t know about you but if I’m supposed to stay indoors for a month (maybe more), when I get to leave, the last thing I’ll want to do is finish my writing. So I’m working on it now. You should do the same. Whatever it is. Write that thing, draw that picture, record that short film, start that YouTube Channel. DO IT. After this post, I’m not coming back on this website until my script is finished. My idea is mid April. So I’ll see you then, I guess.

2. Exercise and/or meditate. Also, stop snacking and eat your veggies.

If you’re anything like me, when you don’t exercise, you have more energy to overthink things and stress yourself out. This is a state you don’t want to be in at this time. So please, exercise. Find a YouTube Video and do it. It’s free and you’ll thank me later.
After exercising, I personally like to meditate. It helps me calm down and it also improves my concentration. I know it’s not for everyone, but you should give it a try for a few days if you haven’t done it. There are many free meditations online. I personally use Headspace (which is not free) and I’m really happy with it. Honestly, exercise and meditation are keeping me sane right now. Most of the time. 
Also, the food thing. Seriously, take care of yourself. Eat your veggies, even if they’re frozen. Please don’t overdo it on the junk food. We have a rule at my place: we behave throughout the work week and cheat during the weekend. Maybe this works for you too.

3. Call your family/friends. No, don’t IM them. CALL THEM.

I know calling feels weird. Right? I mean. We’re so used to instant messaging. But please call your loved ones. Have a real conversation with them. Drink a glass of wine while you’re at it. Social distancing doesn’t mean ignoring your friends. You never know who you might be helping with a simple call. Maybe they’re having a terrible day and you’re the one to cheer them up.

4. Disconnect from news/social media. Actually, you should use this tip even when there’s no pandemic

I get it. It’s important to know what is going on. But please take a break from this ongoing new report on the coronavirus. It’ll do wonders for your mental health. And your productivity. So this one’s a twofer I guess! I suggest you schedule some time for news/social media checking these days. For me it’s lunch time. The rest of the day I don’t want to hear anything else about the damned virus.
On this note, please stop sharing misinformation. If you receive something, please check if this information is true before sharing with others. I can’t tell you how many Whatsapp messages I’ve received telling me drinking water every X amount of time helps fight the virus. It OBVIOUSLY does not. If you need to drink water, do it because you’re thirsty.

5. Get inspired (but still do the work).

Instead of getting frustrated over the news, follow people who inspire you. Watch movies that move you. Read books that motivate you. Anything that keeps you going. However, please don’t use this to procrastinate point number 1. I know, I know. I do it too. I watch all the “How not to procrastinate videos” and end up procrastinating on my projects. That’s not the point of this.
Here’s a list of several things that inspire me, broken down by categories:
  • The OA” (Zal Batmanglij, Brit Marling, 2016-2019): Magical, mystical and thrilling. I love this show and am so upset it got cancelled. Post coming when I finish my script.
  • Inside No. 9” (Steve Pemberton, Reece Shearsmith, 2014-?): Every script is perfection, perfect for writers to learn about structure and characters. I just love this show.
  • Gilmore Girls” (Amy Sherman-Palladino, 2000-2007): It’s my comfort show. This and “Friends” (David Crane, Marta Kauffman, 1994-2004), of course.
  • Any film in my “Top 10 Films of the Decade”, of course. I find “Frances Ha” (Noah Baumbach, 2012) and “Paterson” (Jim Jarmusch, 2016) particularly comforting for these stressful times.
  • The Spanish film industry will probably be deeply affected by the coronavirus, so allow me to do my little bit in helping: I’ll be suggesting two Spanish films that I have just watched on Netflix. Not comforting films, mind you, but they’re so good!! “El Hoyo” (aka “The Platform”. Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, 2019) and “Ventajas de viajar en tren” (aka “Advantages of Travelling by Train”. Aritz Moreno, 2019). Great writing in both of them. Greatly entertaining.
  • Matilda” (Danny DeVito, 1996). Also on Netflix. Always a go-to film when I’m feeling down. Yes it’s a children’s film. No, I don’t care. It’s an amazing film. 
  • Austin Kleon books all the way!! I’m now reading “Keep Going”.
  • Pride and Prejudice” (Jane Austen, 1813): It’s a classic, guys! Joe Wright’s 2005 film is my favourite adaptation if you’re not up for reading/re-reading the book.
  • Yes. You might have guessed it. Say it with me: “Anything written by Brené Brown”. 
On Productivity:
  • Amy Landino: She is the lemon-water-drinking, calendar-blocking queen. You shall bow to her. More on her channel. 
  • Thomas Frank: I actually built this website thanks to him. His videos give incredible information and the quality is incredible.
On being spiritually productive:
  • Rowena Tsai: Rowena is wise beyond her years. She has a deep spiritual practice which she sometimes shares with us, but also, she’s an incredibly hard worker. She is the best if you’re looking to fix your work/life balance. 
On Creativity:
  • Fran Meneses: Fran is an illustrator currently living in New York. She’s fun, hard-working, calming and truly inspiring.
On being your own BOSS.
  • Erin on Demand: Erin is such a boss. Look at her channel. Just look at it. All the information you need to build your own business and brand is right there. 

6. Learn Something New

If you live with someone, maybe ask them to teach you something. It can be how to cook or how to knit. It can be how to use Photoshop. If you live alone, find a tutorial online. YouTube or Skillshare are great resources. Use this time to cultivate yourself. You never know when these new skills you learn might come in handy. 
These are my recommendations for staying inspired. I hope they help. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Do the work. Stay indoors… and wash your hands. We’ll get through this. See you soon.